Overview of Funds

There are a total of 200 funds at the Rush County Community Foundation. You can help impact the community today by donating to one of our many funds or by creating your own fund.

Our funds are organized into the categories below. Please click on the different fund types to view all of the funds in that category.

  • Cemeteries

    Funds established to preserve assets and provide ongoing support for maintenance, upkeep and preservation of Rush County cemeteries. Investment income is distributed annually.

  • Churches

    Funds established to preserve assets and provide support for non-profit Rush County churches (named by the donor). Investment income is distributed to the organization annually.

  • Community Grants

    (also known as Unrestricted Endowment Funds) Created by visionary philanthropists who, caring about the community beyond their own lifetimes, wish to make an impact that transcends the barriers of time and changes. Community grant funds are distributed by the RCCF Grants Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. Grants are given to address current needs or problems within the community and to priorities that will impact a substantial number of people.

  • Education

    Funds that support a broad range of education-related interests. Often supporting special projects, events, and

  • Field of Interest

    Endowed funds that support a broad area of interests such as education, the arts, services or programs for youth or the elderly, environmental projects, health, recreational purposes, or civic affairs. RCCF will direct the distributions to the most appropriate programs within the field(s) designated by the donors.

  • Friends of the Foundation/Administration

    Endowed funds to support operation of the Rush County Community Foundation.

  • Organizations

    Funds established to preserve assets and provide support for non-profit organizations (named by the donor). Investment income is distributed to the organization annually.

  • Scholarships

    Scholarship funds support Rush County students and/or residents with continuing education. Funds may be general, available to all Rush County students that apply, or more specific, available to students seeking a particular field, major, trade, and/or postsecondary school. Scholarships are awarded annually and distributed directly to the school on a two-semester schedule.