Funding $9.5 Million of Progress in Rush County 21st October 2016 You could say that the Rush County Community Foundation has impacted our community in over 9,500,000 ways. Each dollar of the $9,500,000+ disbursed from our permanent endowment funds has enabled a non-profit organization, person, or community project to develop. Numerous churches, nonprofit agencies, and causes have funds at the RCCF that make a difference that might not otherwise be possible. We have 170 endowment funds and 15 temporary “pass-through” funds that are invested and disbursed annually, benefitting specific organizations, causes, needs and our community as a whole. If you review our lengthy list, it’s understandable if you find yourself battling which fund to support or uncertain of how to donate altogether. To help you understand our funds and our impact, we thought it might help to break down the variety of fund categories currently held at the RCCF: Friends of the Foundation Funds: Annual disbursements from funds support RCCF operating directly. Community Grant Funds: Permanent endowment funds to benefit Rush County as a whole. Disbursements are made to assist nonprofit organizations with projects, equipment, and programs that provide a great impact for our community. Field of Interest Funds: Permanent endowment funds that benefit a specific interest and need within our community. “Field of interests” we support include (but not limited to!) youth athletics and organizations, education, music, arts, and culture. Organization Funds: Permanent endowment funds that provide annual disbursements to support the charitable works of the named nonprofit agency. These funds include churches, cemeteries, not-for-profit organizations serving our community. Scholarship Funds: Permanent endowment funds to benefit students pursuing higher education. Within each category, a number of funds exist that may specify an organization or cause that will benefit. More information about each fund is available online, in our office, and in our annual report. Now that you know a bit more about our funds, you can better understand how it’s possible that we’ve awarded over $9,500,000 in Rush County! As you consider donations, we encourage you to consider a gift to a fund that impacts a cause you care about right here at home. To learn more about our funds, making a donation, and the dollars we’ve awarded, visit our website at or our office at 117 N. Main St. Rushville, IN 46173.