Foundation Fact Friday: Putting a Spring in the Steps of Rush County Residents


Spring has sprung, leading Rush County residents outdoors after a long winter inside.  With spring’s warmer temperatures, sunshine, and greening landscape a heightened sense of joy fills the air.  As you drive through town with your windows down and walk down the streets, it’s hard to miss the sound of children’s laughter and the sights of people out enjoying the long overdue fresh air and playtime spring provides.


Playing a vital role in our community’s access to parks and recreation is the Rush County Community Foundation’s unrestricted grant funding.  The Foundation has awarded $77,000 to the City of Rushville Parks Department, and over $31,000 to enhance parks and recreation via equipment and improvements.  Playtime throughout all of Rush County has been made $100,000+ better because of the generosity of our donors and our Foundation’s ability to provide grant funding support.


Without the Rush County Community Foundation, our community would look vastly different.  The next time you’re enjoying the newly-paved walking path throughout Veteran’s Park, the outdoor movie theater and concerts at Riverside Park, playground equipment throughout the county’s parks, resurfaced basketball goals in Veteran’s Park, or any youth sports game, look around and see the happiness that abounds.  Give back, continue that happiness:  consider a donation to the Rush County Community Foundation.


If you’re interested in learning more about the Rush County Community Foundation’s unrestricted grant funding or any of our other more than 192 funds, stop by our office at 117 N. Main Street in Rushville, call us at (765) 938-1177, or check out our website  If you’d like to donate specifically to a fund that supports our parks, consider a donation to Nick Singleton Memorial Fund or the Rush County Parks Fund.   To make a donation, contact us or visit our website.

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