Foundation Fact Friday: Fair Week and the Foundation

The smell of elephant ears and corndogs, the last minute rush of 4-Hers (and parents!), and a heightened sense of excitement will fill the air in the approaching week.  Summer has officially arrived in Rush County:  fair week is here!


The Rush County Community Foundation loves fair week in our community as much as you do.  In fact, we love it so much that we’ve given more than $400,000 to the Rush County Agricultural Association and the Rush County Extension Service/Rush County 4-H!  As you walk around the fairgrounds this year, we hope you’ll take special note of the ways your community foundation has made an impact on a long-lasting tradition so many families in our community cherish.  Of the ways our community grants have assisted the Rush County Agricultural Association, the most noticeable include:

  • The remodel of restrooms in the livestock pavilion
  • A new Public Address system at the fairground’s track
  • New metal pens and fresh paint on all wood surfaces on the livestock pavilion

Additionally, funds provided to the Foundation through Lilly Endowment’s GIFT programs enabled $350,000 worth of improvement and projects related to the fairgrounds and 4-H:

  • $250,000 to the Rush County Agricultural Association for fairground improvements
  • $100,000 to the 4-H Horse and Pony Club


This fair week, we hope you’re able to take note of the improvements the Foundation has assisted with while you’re taking advantage of the wonderful amenities the Rush County Agricultural Association has made possible for our community.


For more information on the Rush County Community Foundation, visit our website, call our office at (765) 938-1177, or stop by 117 N. Main St., Rushville, IN 46173.


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