Grantee Spotlight: Rushville Elementary School East

Alex Workman Memorial Fund Recipient: $1,016.52

Report submitted by Mandi Jackman, LCSW, Home/School Liaison, Rushville Elementary School East


Our grant from the Rush County Community Foundation (RCCF) assisted Rushville Elementary School East in implementing Amygdala First Aid Stations. The amygdala serves as the brain’s reset station and regulates emotions. These stations allow students to reset if they become frustrated or just need some time to collect themselves. Our goal is for students to be able to remain in the classroom while having resources within the classroom to help manage emotions. Students can benefit greatly academically, mentally and socially from the sensory input provided by these stations.


We are currently using these stations with individual students. We are able to teach coping skills and students are able to use the sensory items to regulate and control emotions. We have also implemented a daily check in to assist with identifying students that could benefit from the stations. We continue to be very excited about the benefit these stations provide to our students. Students are able to utilize the sensory items, regroup and re-engage in the classroom. Students are being taught skills they can utilize in any setting.


Thank you, RCCF, for making this possible for us to serve our students in a broader capacity! We are able to meet more needs thanks to this funding!

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